Beetroot, cooked in unsalted water
Added by Public Health England
- Energy (kcal)
- 53kcal
- Energy (kJ)
- 224kJ
- Protein
- 1.6g
- Fat
- 0.3g
- Saturated fatty acids
- 0.05g
- Monounsaturated fatty acids
- 0.06g
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- 0.12g
- Carbohydrate
- 11.6g
- Total sugars
- 10.9g
- Fibre (AOAC)
- 2.6g
- Salt
- 0.13g
- Sodium
- 52mg
- Potassium
- 302mg
- Calcium
- 27mg
- Magnesium
- 15mg
- Phosphorus
- 26mg
- Iron
- 0.36mg
- Copper
- 0.09mg
- Zinc
- 0.3mg
- Chloride
- 70mg
- Manganese
- 0.29mg
- Selenium
- Trace
- Iodine
- 2µg
- Carotene
- 27µg
- Retinol equivalent
- 5µg
- Vitamin D
- 0µg
- Vitamin E
- Trace
- Thiamin
- Trace
- Riboflavin
- Trace
- Niacin
- 0.2mg
- Vitamin B6
- 0.06mg
- Vitamin B12
- 0µg
- Folate
- 90µg
- Vitamin C
- 1mg
11 samples, UK and Dutch, including fresh and ready-cooked vacuum packed beetroot, no added vinegar. For fresh samples, top and root trimmed, peeled. Boiled for 1-2 hours
PHE, Nutrient analysis of fresh and processed fruit and vegetables with respect to fibre, 2017